
Inside of the Yahoo Finance section of the website, Yahoo decided to create a category that highlighted real people money stories. This was called Real Money, Real People and provided video testimonials, advice, finance tools and additional finance related materials. This section was brand new and was targeted to people who wanted to become more financially literate.

Real Money, Real People

The landing page consisted of expert advice and a sample playlist of real users testimonials. The goal was to provide relevent information in a way that was not overwhelming to the user. It was also intended to start with the basics and get more informational as the user dug into the flow. This ensured that it addressed everyone and didn't overwhelm a user who had little understanding of money and finance. Selections were tailored to those users and displayed selectively each day.

Tailored Video

Each video was accompanied by an expert who provided insight and advice based on the scenario in the video. Users could also ask quetions and post comments for each video or to the expert themselves.

Video Catalog

If a user wanted to view more than the daily video, a catalog of videos was available to choose from based on topic, popularity and date created.